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TM MP5 SD6- Price reduced, see description.

TM MP5 SD6- Price reduced, see description.


  • Price £70
5 Offers
2 Questions


Here is my brothers TM Mp5, only owned it for a couple of months, Recently serviced. Wired to deans. Reason for selling is My brother has gone more to the sniping role and uses his SRS more.


When we purchased it had a few niggles to it, the wiring was atrocious, it was shooting inconsistently etc etc.


All of these faults have been addressed and it now works perfectly, from what I remember, it isn’t upgraded, mostly stock or like for like items internally.(Think motor was changed previously)


Collection preferred, will post at cost, defence required.


Any questions(or if you want any more photos) please ask, my brother has provided me with this info, I'm just listing! 


Always open to offers and swaps, just let me know what you’ve got.


Please note: As of 14/9/18 this is now spares or repairs, when used today the fire selector plate has obviously become warn. It fires fine in semi and auto, but you have to push the lever down to get it to fire auto consistently. The part is £10 from Eagle6. Price reflected.


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    1 mag, extras available at request


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