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Huge leaving bulk sale

Huge leaving bulk sale


  • Price £150
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As I won't be doing any more tech work and I've slimmed all my stuff down from a collection to the essentials for whenever I skirmish I have 3 packed boxes filled with spares and as I keep clearing out my workshop there will be more

These boxes are more aimed at people who tinker and like to build their own guns or techs as there is about 17x V3 gearbox shells

(which @ �20 each what they sell for on here covers the cost of it all anyway)

torch bodies, uppers, lowers of both rifles and pistols, mags, motors, inner barrels, outer barrels, M4 parts, G3 parts, MP5 parts, a bipod..... The list goes on and as I clear more, more parts will be found 

It's a lucky dip of parts, some parts are broken some parts aren't but if you're a tech who is looking to fill boxes with spares this lot will certainly fill some boxes


£150 posted for the lot

I will NOT split anything, if you see something in the box you can have it for £150 and it comes with all the other boxes

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