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'Geissele' 30mm Scope Mount

'Geissele' 30mm Scope Mount


  • Price £16
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Modern AliEx copy.  Came attached to an LPVO style scope I bought, but I swapped it out for a different style mount before I ever used this.


Supposedly the scope I had fitted was 30mm, but there was a mm or so gap between the base and upper clamps, so either the mount is a hair too tight or the scope was a hair too wide:  airsoft tolerances.  Still tons of thread engagement so the scope was never going anywhere and the gaps were not noticeable from a couple of feet away.


Mounts up very securely on a rail that's anywhere close to picatinny spec using the 2 thumb screws.  Anodisation seems pretty tough for what it is.  Nice smooth surface and geometry of the base metal.


Price includes fees, and postage within the UK.

London/Birmingham - United Kingdom

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