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tm scarl level10 eagle6 upgrade

tm scarl level10 eagle6 upgrade


1 Question


Basically pretty much brrand new out of box

Never use in field

upgraded with everything you can see in the picture

Comes with original box


1 x mid cap

1 x high cap


Edit: ===================

Okie, there are couple of folks asking me what is Eagle 6, and what's the upgrade details....

Please visite https://eagle6.co.uk/product/tokyo-marui-scar-l-black-ngrs-aeg

And select level10, you will see all details there. 

Thanks =================



Fps 325 due to some cqb site limit is 330 in Surrey (originally wanna prepare this for cqb games, but sincei bought a DAS recently, don't likengrs anymore)


Pick up from RM10, £1000
Or parcelforce 48 +15 




P.S I will not use paypal business/purchase/service transfer, as lost two expensive guns before in 2022. nearly £1000 gone, paypal wont do a sh** to help me.
Buyer can claim back to refund regardless seller provides receipt or not..
So , definitely no paypal business, and I am absolutely no rush to sell this, if buyer is really serious and interested in this item, I prefer local pick up from RM10 , and test in my garden to avoid any potential future issue,
Or bank transfer (yup, just trust me at your own risk, unfortunately I have to say the word 'at your own risk' , if you do not trust me or insist go paypal, please do not contact me)

Or Paypal FF is fine


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- United Kingdom

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