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BO/VFC Fabarm STF12 gas shotgun

BO/VFC Fabarm STF12 gas shotgun


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Brilliant gas shotgun from BO (rebranded VFC)

Full metal, very sturdy and well made

selectable 3 or 6 BB’s per shot (great fun in CQB with 6 shots)

includes 7 shells (3 are BO 4 are CYMA) which each hold 30rds (10 shots on 3 mode or 5 shots on 6 mode)

full length pump with short rail section at front for lights (looks cool with stubby foregrips too)

shell door removed as it is pointless (shells are held very well via internal mechanism and need intentional press of the ejection mechanism to release) however door is included and just clips on if want to add it back on

FPS is very hard to get but feels about the same as my pistol just with more hits at once

nice range and spread for shotgun (I’ve used loads of different weights and seems to work best with slightly heavier weights)

as far as can tell internally it’s marui compatible to plenty of upgrade parts


price includes postage and PayPal fees or can knock £10 off if want to collect from sixmil Airsoft site on a game day



  • Make
    BO Manufacture
  • Model
    Fa arm STF12
  • FPS
    300 - 330 gas dependent
  • Accessories
    7 shells

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