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TM P90 tripple rail + Extras

TM P90 tripple rail + Extras


1 Question


I have a TM P90 triple rail version in original box, includes silencer (silencer has a dent from a bb at the opening) with barrel adapter , Has an after market red dot sight with four sight marking options, 2 lo caps, 4 mid and 1 hi cap mags, and a P90 tactical sling from the Vest Guys.
Tappet has been replaced, rotary spring guide put in, cylinder head changed and air seal nozzle, a 110% spring installed and a systema 6.04 bs barrel. Shoots between 317.3 - 320.8 fps on 0.2g bb's.


Looking for collection, will chuck in two 8.4v batteries for anyone who does.


Any questions please don't hessitate to ask.


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
    P90 Tripple Rail
  • FPS
    317.3 - 320.8
  • Accessories
    2x lo-caps, 4x mid-caps, 1x hi-cap, Vestguys tactical sling, Red dot sight

WEST MIDLANDS - United Kingdom

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