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(Unknown Brand) Dual-Tone Airsoft GBB 1911

(Unknown Brand) Dual-Tone Airsoft GBB 1911


0 Offers
4 Questions


Hello, Wanted to get some cash from this gun. Selling it for how much I payed, Only fired a single mag (10-11 bbs) and that's it, No scuff marks nothing. Good heft, Mainly plastic but has metal and fires extremely well, Feeds gas from bottom. PAYPAL ONLY. It's a good pistol for a starter, Coming from someone who's also an Airsoft starter.


  • Make
    Unknown, Item is genuine not a clone.
  • Model
  • FPS
    Absolutely 0 idea, I do not have the cash to get a FPS checker
  • Accessories
    1 mag

- United Kingdom

Recommended Questions

Yes, sorry that you got ripped off, but that's an unhopped 0.6J pistol that's essentially a novelty trinket.  The best you can say about it is that magazines seem to be available.



Appreciated the comment. Will see if I can get it returned, Although doubtful as it's been months.

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Unfortunately, the market of selling used airsoft kit are seldom based on what was paid for it.


It's unfortunate that you were burned with the pricing but realistic expectations should be set.


70% on current RRP is the going rate for "barely used", vgc RIFs. When it comes to two-tone or garden plinkers, that drops even further.

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