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F1 firearms AEG (two tone)

F1 firearms AEG (two tone)


  • Price £280
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2 Questions


Selling this F1 firearms because don’t use it anymore as moving onto only sniping as I enjoy it way more. Gun has little problem with trigger as tiny spring is missing which makes single firing not work from time to time but hasn’t been a massive issue so haven’t bothered to fix it. Paid £400 when first got it only owned for around 6 months


  • Make
    F1 firearms
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    2 mags, 2 batteries, scope if you want but will cost extra

Flitwick - United Kingdom

Recommended Questions

dude, are you not able to get the trigger/spring issue sorted, I ask as these are currently available for $289, yeah I know shipping & taxes will push it up, but that's a new fully functional gun with a warranty.

its a nice looking gun (never thought I'd say that about a two tone), but if you want to get near your price you'll need to fix it, IMHO.



Yh honestly you can get a kit that has the missing parts in but it just hasn’t been that much of an issue for me to warrant getting it tbh, didn’t really search it up before listing price I’ll rethink the price!

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Good call bud , nothing puts buyers off more than “x,y,z is broken/missing/not working but it’s never bothered me and it’s an easy fix” if it such an easy fix then fecking fix it before you try and sell it then ! 

My self and most of the players I know wouldn’t touch your gun with a 10ft barge pole due to this ‘simple fix’ problem .

take it from me and Tackle , we’re a pair of grumpy old gits who’ve been around this game waaaay too long ! 

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