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Kytech CSD (Custom Sound Device) & Tracer unit

Kytech CSD (Custom Sound Device) & Tracer unit


  • Price £48
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Something a bit unusual this evening.


I've had this since the beta units were released at the tail end of January, but with some recent events etc, I've never used it!


It has some very exciting premise behind it, and I think when the full release version comes out, these are going to be very popular.


Essential, there's a barrel mounted sensor which plugs into the "PEQ Box".

The peq box then has custom .wav sound files that will then play when a BB is detected passing through the sensor.


The sensor also doubles as a tracer unit!


The sounds can be play randomly, in order, or for as long as you pull the trigger (Russian national anthem on your LMG for as long as you hold the trigger down? You got it!)


You can see more videos of the CSD in action on the Kytech Facebook page:




There's a hidden forum on Kytechs website just for beta owners, full of sound clips and tips etc.

I've already told Kyran (the inventor) that I'll be selling mine and he's said who ever buys it can access the forum and have all the support that the other beta users will have.


It's all made of 3D printed plastic, but very solid.


You get:


•PEQ Box speaker box

•Barrel sensor unit (also doubles as a TRACER UNIT!

•Vertical foregrip, which also acts as the battery storage

•Rail Riser - for keeping any optics you use above the PEQ box

•Full support of Kyran from Kytech industries


There's lots of fun to be had here..

Sure it could be used for realistic gun sounds, but imagine filling it with fun sounds, Father ted quotes, or laser gun noises!



, Theale

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