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Real Sword Type 97 and Mags

Real Sword Type 97 and Mags


1 Offer
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For sale, is a Real Sword Type 97,  not a lot of these left 


this is stock, plus a basic mosfet to protect the wiring which has been extended to facilitate the Mosfet and battery fitment.


the type 97 shoots 330 fps, and is just plain reliable and decent. 

I won’t bore you with all the story of Real Sword particularly the type 97, if you are looking you have an idea, if not you will enjoy googling the research, real steel parts, and 1:1 scale 


this comes with 4  genuine Real sword m4 midcaps  - impossible to come by now. 

I bought this on a whim recently, but bullpups are not for me, which is a shame as the gun is superb.  Original box and all the little bits that make Rs special are included


price including the mags and postage is £550 …I will consider offers,. As I’m really not sure about how to value this, just compared it to recent sales I’ve seen  - I’m told they are rare and could be making £600 plus 






  • Make
    Real Sword
  • Model
    Type 97
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    4 mags, all the RS EXTRAS

- United Kingdom

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