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E&C XM16E1

E&C XM16E1


  • Price £230
1 Offer
1 Question


Just straight up the grey version of this - https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ec-m16-vn-qd-v20-airsoft-rile-aeg-black-version


I bought the version from FS that came with the 203 just because I wanted the heatshield, no need for the rifle.  Have not fired a single shot through it myself.  I took the launcher/handguard off, swapped those for E&C M16A1 handguard set, put back in the box.  Hopefully a good chance for someone to get a retail condition gun for a reduced price.


Not a perfect early M16 replica by any means, but with the unusual early AR-15 (pre M16) markings and the 3 prong flash hider it's a good way towards an example of one of the first variants of the rifle that the US military really used.  Comes with a hi-cap in the 20rnd mag style and complete retail packaging as shown.


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North London or Central Shropshire - United Kingdom

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