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EMG DE Noveski N4 MWS (black)

EMG DE Noveski N4 MWS (black)


  • Price £350 Shipment cost 12 GBP
1 Offer
1 Question


Still sealed in box so photos of the rifle is of an identical one as I'm not going to break the factory seal so that the buyer can see for certain that is brand new.

Based on the MWS platform and works with mags and parts for MWS . They actually run better on gunsmodify mags than the DE ones.

Power it's around 1.1j with 0.25g but I recommend using heavier BBs and fitting npas .

All metal body, rail, barrel etc


Edit - someone asked for photos inside the box so I've now added those as it's now open but the rifle has still not been removed from the box


  • Make
  • Model
    Noveski N4
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Boxed as factory

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