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Star FNC (price reduced)

Star FNC (price reduced)


  • Price £210 Shipment cost 10 GBP
1 Offer
1 Question


Very rare Star FNC (original version not the Ares) with original Star FNC scope mount.

Has working 3 round burst feature as it was given new original factory parts a few years back and has sat on the wall unused since as part of a collection literally collection dust ( as can be seen but I will dust it off).

The mock charging handle is currently AWOL although this obviously is not a functional part on the aeg.


These are getting very rare indeed and to have one with working 3 round burst is exceptionally rare but I'll never use the fnc as I don't use AEGs. I will listen to offers and you can offer trades but I have most rifles available already


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Star scope mount for Fnc

- United Kingdom

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Think that might be my old one😢, I'd buy it back but got too many already lol. 

This gent wants one though


1st commando


I've had it 10+ years so unlikely but possible .

I have spoken to him but he wants one with an intact charging handle 

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