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VFC salient arms SAI slide g17 glock 17 and trijicon sights

VFC salient arms SAI slide g17 glock 17 and trijicon sights


  • Price £1 Shipment cost 4.7 GBP
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Brand new VFC / umarex / elite force compatible salient arms slide

The slide is gen 3 glock 17 but they are compatible with all generations of glock.

EMG brand.


Comes with trijicon marking front and rear high sights green glow rear pink glow front sight


Has slide outer barrel included 


Paid an absolute fortune for this from evike got screwed over with import taxes and handling 

And on top of this they sent me the wrong one 

I needed tm Compatible and they sent VFC lol


These are stock out everywhere


I am looking to trade this for either a TM compatible one or for a gbb pistol as sale wouldn't really make sense to me as it's cost me effing loads and obviously now it's classed as second hand and won't get anywhere near what it's worth. 


I'm always in need of tanio koba usp .40 mags and I like retro retro gaming so old consoles crt tvs and monitors allsorts I will trade for



- United Kingdom

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