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G and G cm16 Raider 2.0 bundle only fired to zero scope all unused

G and G cm16 Raider 2.0 bundle only fired to zero scope all unused


  • Price £175
0 Offers
1 Question


Selling this g and g cm 16 Raider 2.0 rifle as new condition as only fired a few hundred bbs to zero sites never been outside. Selling with 3 high cap mags, 2 batteries, battery charger, carry case and about 5-6k bbs (a mix between .2 and .25g.

bought to start airsofting but told off by the wife so now having to sell. Over £250 worth of stuff and most of it never been used (only tried one of the batteries and mags). Located in york or will post at buyers cost.




  • Make
    G and G
  • Model
    Cm16 Raider 2.0
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    4 mags, 2 batteries a charger a carry case bbs camp tape rifle sling

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