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Gen 2 Reaper AKS74u Bluetooth fcu

Gen 2 Reaper AKS74u Bluetooth fcu


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Here we have a massive package *cough* A wolverine gen 2 reaper in an Cyma AKS74u body. The reaper has only just been upgraded so may have about 3000 rounds through it. It also comes with a Bluetooth fcu which provides control through an app for Android.

The setup currently internally is the reaper, stock hop, 70° maple leaf, 3d printed shallow concave nub, polished ZCI 248mm barrel. This setup means you can either run a flash hider or have a functioning suppressor. The reaper is deadly quiet when paired with a suppressor. It is also insanely quick capable of 35rps.

I've modded the trigger trolley to reduce trigger pull and over travel. This does mean it won't engage to safe. I disconnect my hose when not using to prevent issue but if buyer wishes I can remove the mod.
As a bonus I will include a M4 nozzle so all you need to put it an ar body is a trigger unit. 


Externally you have a plethora of choice as can be seen in the photos. Currently it has a 5KU pt1 stock, b11 handguard and foregrip pre chopped to assist ak reloads, PBS suppressor (foam filled), standard grip and optic mount that attaches to the sights. 

But you also get a choice of a triangle stock, 2 more grips, 2 more ways to mount optics andd various flash hiders. 

Also included is the externals for an e&l AKS74u. I'm going to say it's 95% complete as I haven't put it back together since I took it apart.  Included are more triggers and various other bits. 

There is also 8 midcaps and one high cap. 

The mid caps are a mix of capacity. The large pineapple ones are 250, pts looking ones are 200ish and the plain ones are 150.


There are two bits that are cosmetically a bit rough but function fine. The lever for the handguard snapped. The rod itself is still there and retains the handguard but you need to use a screwdriver or similar to turn it. 
The second is I originally installed a Union hop unit which required modding the outer barrel and removing the mag assist. The hop just wouldn't play ball. I epoxied in plastic to replace the metal removed and returned the mag assist. Fully functioning but worth pointing out.


It's a really great rif and is different from the standard black M4 that is prevalent. The hpa unit with fcu and a spare nozzle is just shy of 600 on it's own. Plus the externals, extra rif and mags it's closer to £1200.

I will include the red dot if the offers are sensible. 


Given the size of the package it would be collection only or I can meet within 40 miles of Reading with a tenner for fuel.

Any questions let me know. I don't have a firing video to upload but if requested I can get one done.


I'm after a sale but....if there is an MTW forged going I would be more than happy to have a discussion.


  • Make
  • Model
    Gen 2 reaper AKS74u
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    As pictured

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