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Cyma M14 EBR

Cyma M14 EBR


  • Price £180
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For sale is my cyma m14 ebr with crane stock, ive had it a few months, skirmished once and not fond of the weight lol. It has been previously owned. I have completely disassembled it, reshimmed, regreased, installed a metal bearing spring guide, polished and r hopped the inner barrel so .28 or heavier I recommended, FPS is 330 w/.2s. Shoots very consistently and far. Comes with original mag, suppressor and original flash hider. DOES NOT come with vert grip, rail covers, battery or rds ,(will sell for extra). Ptfe tape has been applied to innr barrel to prevent vibration, as well dental floss applied to bucking to improve airseal. Safety lever is broken, rear sight has broken off and mock bolt sticks when pulled to rear.  Eraser has been installed as hop nub( flat promm tensioner is recommended for futher consistency) Very good rifle for the price, perfect DMR platform if you plan on doing some upgrades.


Feel free to shoot me an offer or if you have any questions, asking 180+15 for ppal fees and shipping. Willing to swap just pm me your swap


  • Make
  • Model
    M14 ebr
  • FPS
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Bury st edmunds, Suffolk - United Kingdom

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