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L22 AFV l85 carbine

L22 AFV l85 carbine


  • Price £310 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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ARES L22 (l85 carbine AFV)


Comes with 


3 short curved mags (hi cap) not seen these around before not sure how common they are.


the fore grip 


A genuine sa80 sling (great slings work as both a one and 2 point sling really useful)


A LLM01 (laser light module has vis laser ir laser (I believe no nods to check) and bright light) believe this is a repro one but a working one with all functions) 


Now I do also have a star SUSAT scope I don’t really want to sell this as I have 5 sa80 variants I would be using it on but will include it for extra (has correct obelisk reticle)


Rif also has a sure fire sa80 flash hider I believe to be real steel one 


So I’m asking £310 all in posted 


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    Susat sight grip laser

Coalville - United Kingdom

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