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Gorgeous little krink that unfortunately I just can't justify owning anymore. Runs smooth and is internally sound after having it serviced by a local tech geezer. Everything is stock to my knowledge, except for either some gears or the piston - I can't remember which needed to be replaced, but something in the gearbox did as it kept locking up. I have since put at least a thousand rounds through it without a hitch.

For a little gun it has impressive range and served me well. So well that I got me my first ever substantial multi-kill at YTA Borderlands last Sunday - wiped out a family of 4 in the back from 30-40m away while squatting behind their lines, and then again when papa in the ghillie suit thought he could get away with telling his kids no to call their hits. Dad was sly, but the krink was slyer.
I feel like a big man now. 

I am absolutely in love with the build quality and the goofy little handguard on this thing, but unfortunately I just can't get along with that stock whether its folded or extended. Its definitely not for everyone, and can bite and pinch. If you've got a beautiful flowing mane like me I suggest sweeping it aside or tying it back because the stock loves chewing hair.

Includes 1 mid cap metal 7.62 mag.
Does not come with original box unfortunately.

Open to offers,

postage is included in my price (approx. £8)


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    1 mid cap mag

Mexborough, South Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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