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Up for sale! Hate to do it but cost of living crisis so hey ho.


I put it together from the parts I didn’t need after building my AKMSU out of the receiver of the well G74 and WE AKUN. Leaving the side folder WE receiver and WELL long front end. I’ve added a nice rail handguard and will include the grip as well as a side mound rail. Comes with 5 mags. One did have a slow leak but since last gassed it seems to be good. Another One is cracked around the front but still locks and works. Mag shells can be purchased on KYairsoft in a couple colours. I painted a couple of the mags a plum brown to match the grips on the gun. 

£300 for all of that is a pretty sweet deal!

It works really well, just been fired in the garden really. Because I took what I wanted for my build, this has the WELL bolt and nozzle. I’d recommend getting the WE nozzle from milspecsolutions online. Kicks hard as is but that would make it kick harder. it’s doing 260-270fps on .25s so it’s within limits, but that WE nozzle will bump it up nicely. Still within limits. 

It’s missing the stock pin (see below) but I’ve used a big scre temporarily. Because of this, the dust cover is a tiny tiny bit split around that corner. But hey, it’s an AK!  Great rifle. 

I just don’t need it really. 

For an extra £20 I’ll include the CMore dot sight. 

Zenitco style stock. SOLD no longer an extra purchasable add on 

priced to go quick. No trades. Sensible offers welcome 🤗 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
    260 on .25s
  • Accessories
    5 mags total. Red dot and Zenitco stock extra ££

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