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Ops Core FAST Helmet Replica / Coyote Brown

Ops Core FAST Helmet Replica / Coyote Brown


1 Offer
1 Question


Good helmet. Very sexy. Impulse buy from Wolf Armouries I think, but never used much due to my disdain for the "speshul farces oPeRaToR" look. I much prefer looking like a smelly grunt, armoured up to the nines.


This is a replica of an Ops Core FAST Helmet, the proper ballistic version without those stupid holes in the top like a skater helmet.

  • It has velcro real estate so you can put far too many gaudy patches on it.
  • It has that lush Ops Core-style chin strap that is super neat and easy to adjust perfectly to your face.
  • It's got side rails for your various side devices.
  • It's got an NVG mount so you now have an excuse to spend thousands on night vision for a game using toy guns!
  • It's a "high-cut" helmet so you can wear your overly bassy Beats by Dre headphones if you're so inclined.
  • It has bungee cords on the front so you can... I actually don't know what they're for, but better to have than not, right?


It really does have it all, and in great condition too (a few minor scuffs observable right up close - have a look at the pictures).


*Price drop* - £60 plus P&P


Recommended Questions

Orite mate. What size is this?



I think it's one size fits all. There is an adjustable head band/pad thing on at the back that has a lot of travel back and forth, so should be suitable for most sizes.

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