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ICS cxp


  • Price £120
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1 Question


ICS CXP QD4 -124.

I usually sell for team mates but this is my own.I'm selling because I genuinely do not use it often,I can take it to 4 or 5 skirmishes and never get it out,we bought them to go CQB...but never did.It is in superb condition but there are a few rub marks.I added a mosfet,tightbore 6.03 and an SHS high speed motor,it has a superb rof,I also fitted a new hop rubber prior to playing last sunday(30/12),chronoed on the max limit on sunday 350 fps+/-5.As you can see from the receipt I recently had the safety lever replaced as it wasn't functioning correctly.Original box,front wired to deans(I used a peq box)with batteries in the foregrip.Single point rear sling ring.Full metal.Price includes fees and postage,-£20 if collected/meet.


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Windsor, Berkshire - United Kingdom

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