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Viper VX Buckle up Gen 2 rig - Titanium Grey

Viper VX Buckle up Gen 2 rig - Titanium Grey


  • Price £50 Shipment cost 8 GBP
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Viper VX Buckle up Gen 2 Plate carrier rig.

Titanium / CTFSO Grey


Good plate carriers these. Comfy and allow for food breathing to stop you getting sweaty.

And made up ready to go.


In CTFSO Grey, great for a met loadoit on a budget.

Comes with the mag pouches shown - and if you don't haggle and pay the asking price, I'll even throw in my UKARA Police patches!


Included is a screenshot of the value of all this if bought new, I reckon this is a bargain.


£50 collected from my work address in Theale (RG7)

OR £58 Posted anywhere.



- United Kingdom

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