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TM MWS- bundle

TM MWS- bundle


2 Offers
1 Question



overall a solid gun. TM have out done them selves, selling as i have very little time to play. shots amazingly, extremely snappy. no leaks, no scratches, no damages of any kind.  

as it's extremely pricey to ship the buyer would have to pay extra for that, which is why i encourage a collection for this listing. 

TM MWS GBBR includes:

-1x 35rd TM mag 

-magpul CTR stock FDE 

-magpul MOE+ FDE 

-Eotech exps tan (holy warrior) 

-all original packaging (including Eotech)

-TM mws 

-OG A2 grip 

-OG M4 but stock

-acrylic sight protector  


  • Make
    Tokyo marui
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    EXPS, magpul, Eotech,sight

, cheslyn hay - United Kingdom

Recommended Questions

Is that blue two tone on the handguard?



yes, i had to replace the original handguard as i lost it after selling my mk8 rail. it's a tm mws handguard, just two tone as the person i bought it off shipped it in blue, for whatever reason. (i tried to remove it so i could sell it as an rif, but i dont have any spray paint and it's very hard to remove it with acetone (the butt stock and grip are both the ones which came with it, i'm still looking for the og rail, if i find it i'll swap them out.  

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