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Meprolight R4E Tritium night sights for Glocks

Meprolight R4E Tritium night sights for Glocks


  • Price £75
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Used these on my TM G18c for the last few years to great effect. In low light CQB situations the Tritium really helps with aiming.


As these sights are for RS Glock pistols I had to improvise with the fitting;


The front sight had to be secured once fastened with Araldite..... this worked and held fine for the entire time I used it, and I used my pistol a lot.


The rear sight slides in fine and I dropped a small nut in to the hole at the top of the site and screws a bolt up from below.


Everything I used except for the araldite is included. 


If you're intending to install these on something other than a TM G18c, then further bodgery might be required.


Please understand this if you intend to buy.


Price includes PayPal fees and postage.


Thanks for looking.

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