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WANTED: Magpul FMG-9 - Contact!

WANTED: Magpul FMG-9 - Contact!


  • Price £250
0 Offers
4 Questions


Looking for a Magpul PTS (KWA) FPG FMG-9.


Paying at least £250 for the gun alone as long as it works and is in good condition. More if there's extras.


Lemme know if you have one, we'll talk.


EDIT: Looks like there is probably a new one coming out in the next couple years at least, so unless I got a great deal on one I'll probably pass, but still will have a gander if you have one.


  • Make
    Magpul PTS (KWA)
  • Model
    FPG FMG-9

Recommended Questions

don't think their kits have much in the ways of moving parts purely cosmetic, other than a trigger bar for their pulpup kits. so something like this would be out of their comfort zone.

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