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Cyma AKS-74 w/4 Mags

Cyma AKS-74 w/4 Mags


  • Price £115
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Awaiting collection from buyer, will remove once collected incase buyer backs out.


Selling a Stock Cyma AKS-74 w/4 High cap magazines (3 black, 1 plum) £115 posted, buyer covers paypal fees.

The gun was originally downgraded to 350fps, however when chronographed it was shooting slightly above 350fps and the spring was clipped to take it between 330-340 due to my site limits.

It has been used once and has less than 300 rounds put through it. It has your usual wear done to it on the moveable parts e.g dust cover, folding stock button, the release button and the fire selector.

The only issue with the gun is that the stock lock button on the left-hand side of the gun has come off.

I’m currently waiting to receive a replacement part from the shop I bought the gun from however if you would prefer to fix it on your own as it’s an easy and extremely cheap job, I can take £10 off the price of the gun as compensation for you having to source the part out.


Feel free to contact me here or message me on whatsapp @ 07954 109410

Collection available in Hamilton if prefered.


I'm also selling this on Prefired incase you're wondering if this is a fake ad, idk.


  • Make
  • Model
    AKS-74 (CM.045)
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    4x High cap mags, Battery that came with the gun and the death trap wall charger.

Hamilton, South Lanarkshire - United Kingdom

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