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JG FAL Electric Blowback [ JG300 / LK58 ]

JG FAL Electric Blowback [ JG300 / LK58 ]


  • Price £175 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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Hey hi hello

Putting my like-new JG FAL AEG carbine up for sale because I have a nasty habit of impulse buying guns I won't use, so to combat that I'm selling a few in order to impulse buy something I might actually use instead.

Ordered from Gunfire in August, paid the extortionate post-Brexit customs fees (came to about £65+ with the gun, a few AK mags and an extra FAL mag i ordered), opened it, held it, said "cool and also nice", then put it in a box under my bed and forgot about it. 
Shoots fine, cycles fine, blowback is snappy, comes boxed with all the papers, the NiMh battery etc., has been downgraded to the standard 350FPS UK full auto limit  and comes with an extra spare high-cap mag (good luck finding mid-caps). 

NOTE: Does not come with the optic, that's just what I had on it at the time I took the pictures. Will take some more if I can be arsed. 

I remember these going from anywhere from £160-£200+ back when they were actually in stock anywhere in the UK a few centuries ago, but now it seems that currently Polish retailers and Asia are the only place to get them. Hence why I've probably priced it at more than what it cost from a UK retailer maybe? I don't even know what to price this at, honestly. 

Offers welcome but due to my seething rage at how incompetent Parcelforce decided to be for 2 weeks, I'm not exactly rushing to sell this too cheap. 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    2x high cap mags, stock battery.

Mexborough, South Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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