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Gear Clearout and Gucci Stuff

Gear Clearout and Gucci Stuff


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Big ol clear out, all prices in pounds and including postage. Going cheap to get rid of most of this stuff this week. Will discount on multiple items, I can be contacted here or on 07717682228 for more pictures of specific items and/or a speedier response

GEAR from bottom right zigzagging up to top left:
Condor admin pouch 12
Viper VX Scrote pouch 5
Elite spanker scrote pouch 9
Battle belt set up 9
Admin pouch 5
Radio pouches 4 each
Viper bungee m4 mag pouches 5 each
Viper bungee extended mag pouch 5
Viper small admin pouch 5
Amazon drop leg thigh rotary holster platform 9
Onetigris lower face mask 8
Molle bottle holder (works good for gas or propane bottles) 4

Genuine GSR Brit respirator with mirrored ski mask lens insert, spare filters and drinking bottle cap for the inbuilt straw 100
Shorty PBS1 Suppressor slightly worn 20 SOLD
CRYE x First Tactical trousers with knee pads SMALL RRP 245 selling for 120 
Sig Romeo7 red dot RRP 250 yours for 150
Genuine XPS2-2 RRP 700 yours for 400.

Cheers for looking, all the best

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