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G&G RK74-E

G&G RK74-E


  • Price £300 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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The paint job is a Russian Partizan/SS Leto camo

This was a Russian stencil kit for real firearms (from Russia) 
Very quiet gun after I replaced the flash hider with the cortech tracer unit.
Using .25g BB's this hits 50-60m  
The stock is very cool. Adjustable forwards, backwards, up, down, both butt plate and cheek rest.
The lonex flash mags feed perfectly. 5 or 6 pulls on the chord and your ready to empty the mag with no further winding.
There are only 2 bad bits on the rifle. The fire selector doesn't click into single shot but it does stay there when selected. Clicks in safe and full auto fine. It was like this from factory. And being used there are some small paint chips and imperfections here and there. That's all I can think of.
It's shooting (330fps on .2g) almost 1.1j on a .25g which is my site limit (they do joules not fps).


G&G RK74-E - built in etu and MOSFET as standard
Painted in Russian Partizan/SS Leto camo 
Completely stock inside apart from deans connector
Gearbox and hop-up has been cleaned and re-greased.
Short sliced angle foregrip, doesn't get in the way of mag changes. I wouldn't go longer.
Aimpoint (I think) red dot sight. Adjustable windage, elevation, retical, red/green illumination, dust covers.
X3300w X-cortech tracer unit system with plug-in MOSFET, count up, count down, ROF, FPS (accurate on .2g only)
Marksman style fully adjustable stock
Wired to deans
3x lonex AK-47 550rnd flash mags
5x MAG 120rnd mid caps - these do not feed well at all. No use to me if the gun goes so included in this bundle
Original stock
Original flash hider
Original box 
Remaining stencil kit

£300 collection

£310 posted and PayPal


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Yapton - United Kingdom

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Not a sales interest (I have too many AK’s already , but it does look dam fine !) as to the MAG problem , take a jewelers half round file and give the little bb retainer a 5-6 sweeps to take it back a smidge then when you load them , load to full capacity then remover around 10-15 bbs and you ‘should’ find they will now feed fine . 👍

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