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Unique TM recoil CQBR

Unique TM recoil CQBR


  • Price £550
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selling my beloved TM recoil, receiver had been modified to a fixed carry handle, comes with GPS pouch to house battery, car15 recoil pad, barrel extension, 363mm Prometheus tbb with flat hopped Prometheus purple bucking and flat hop nub, extra hop up unit, original cutoff lever and trigger contacts/wiring, 7 mags, g&p rds w/rail, torch w/pressure pad. Shooting @ 344FPS w/. 2s. upgrades are V1 Btc w/hi flow wiring wired to deans, nuprol gearset, SHS high torque motor, maple leaf 270mm crazy jet barrel with hot shot bucking and omega nub. May include 7.4 lipo for £8. Only known issue is bolt catch is worn so 50/50 chance of it working.


  • Make
    Tokyo marui
  • Model
    Cqbr recoil shock
  • FPS
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    In description

- United Kingdom

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