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Hicapa Ultra Lightweight Build (built by Kaz of Legion speedsoft)

Hicapa Ultra Lightweight Build (built by Kaz of Legion speedsoft)


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Proof: https://www.instagram.com/p/BsJW7TfnsZw/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTbsemndxp/

Goldmatch frame
Kens Props 5.1 picatinny split slide
CowCow RM1 Stainless Steel Guide Rod (Gold)
Shortstroked with CowCow Competition Buffers
DP Enhanced Nozzle Spring
AIP 120% Recoil Spring
DP Hammer Spring Power Tuner Kit
CowCow Disconnector Spring
CowCow IP1 Disconnector
CowCow Stainless Steel Firing Pin Lock
M-Guarder 6.01 112.5mm inner barrel
TAPP Airsoft Magwell
Custom stippling

As you can see from the pictures it is very light. 576g without a mag. 912g with a mag. Not even a kilogram in weight. Comes with 14mm threads for tracers supressors etc, 1 gas mag and 1 tapped mag. The gas mag is gas tight, also has a 3D printed glow in the dark baseplate. This hicapa is stupidly accurate. It is insanely snappy and very lightweight. It can handle anything you throw at it. It is hands down the best RIF I have ever used in terms of consistency, accuracy and fun. Please note the magwell has a groove made in it so that the HPA line would fit in the TAPP HPA drum mag. This was done before I came into ownership of the capa. Reason for sale: Hiatus from hobby at the moment. More important things need to be purchased. I am looking for £320 delivered. PM me for more info/if you are interested


  • Make
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    Hicapa GoldMatch
  • FPS

- United Kingdom

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