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Tokyo Marui ProScope 4 x 20 Magnification

Tokyo Marui ProScope 4 x 20 Magnification


  • Price £30 Shipment cost 7.5 GBP
2 Questions


TM M16 / M4 Pro Scope 4 x 20 Magnification.


Scope that mounts on a carryhandle (supplied)


Excellent choice for spotting / intel gathering in a small package that will fit on your M4  /M16 platform.


Pretty sure they don't make these anymore, so could be a sought after item.


Looking for £30 + £7.50 P&P.



Essex, United Kingdom - United Kingdom

Recommended Questions

how much for just the scope itself and postage?




I've got one more interested party for the item - let me see if that falls through.  I'd like to wait a week before I start to consider splitting.

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