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JAC Browning Hi-Power w. Extra Mag & Shoulder Holster

JAC Browning Hi-Power w. Extra Mag & Shoulder Holster


  • Price £150 Shipment cost 10 GBP
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Selling my Browning Hi-Power.


I bought this about 10 years ago (second hand), as a display piece.  Getting rid of some bits now and hoping this can find another home.  Whilst I don't have a clear history for this, It's definitely an OLD pistol, definitely over 20 years old, so I don't imagine skirmishing with this would be any good.  This should be considered a collectors item.


The pistol is full metal construction, wooden grips.  Apparently the metal slide is aftermarket, as the original JAC Browning Hi-Power had a plastic slide.  Fully trademarked with:




It comes with an extra mag (which has always been a bit tight in the magwell). 

The pistol has not been fired since I first bought it, but I tested both mags tonight in the pistol to be sure and it still does.


The pistol comes with a leather shoulder holster, if you're going for that 1980's SAS look/  😉

No idea what it's worth, but given it's rarity I'm putting what I consider to be a fairly high price on the pistol.


I'm open to offers (and comments welcome if you have evidence I'm pricing it out of the market)


  • Make
  • Model
    Browning Hi-Power
  • Accessories
    Shoulder Holster, Extra Mag

Essex, United Kingdom - United Kingdom

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A friend of mine suspects it is this. 




A Jac copy by Hsu Wei. Metal slide etc. Its doubtful a Tanaka would have a metal slide.



You're mate is spot on!  Comparing the pistol to those pics is correct in every detail.


Thanks airsoft nerds!  😉


I'll update the listing. and check similar sales (if any) to adjust the price.

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