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Hi capa lower

Hi capa lower


0 Offers
1 Question


Airsoft masterpiece 3.9 railed frame 

polished airsoft masterpiece sear 

polished airsoft masterpiece hammer 

Polished cowcow disconnector

cowcow firing pin with spring 

dp/cowcow stippled grip

airsoft masterpiece trigger ring, tuned 

airsoft masterpiece puzzle trigger, tuned 

cowcow trident sear spring , tuned 

airsoft masterpiece magwell 

aip grip screws 

steel thumb safety’s 

tm grip safety

tm magazine release 

tm slide catch modded to fit frame. 
tm 100% hammer spring 


tuned to a 11-12oz trigger pull . Smooth and short reset and no creep , super short trigger pull.


shot around 1000  rounds and running perfect  


perfect condition . 

will take reasonable offers 



- United Kingdom

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