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Best SUSAT replica?

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Title says it all really.


I know Ares make one and I think G&G make one too, I want one with the illuminator in it if there is such a thing for airsoft.


Which is the best?


Where can I get one?

What do they go for?


Cheers guys.

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There's one on RSOV (ACM or something), about £90 NOT including P&P, customs and all that. I used this one mounted on an L85 for a game (while someone borrowed my carbine & ACOG). Very Good eye relief, managed to look down it whilst wearing a lower-mesh mask and huge viper goggles. Has full magnification. Only problem is the base/mount, the owner said he had to file it down in a few places due to it being a cheap China-soft copy.


It wasn't illuminated. IRRC, seeing as how the real thing is illuminated via the magic of radiation, the only illuminated SUSATs are the real SUSATs. Seeing as how the MoD is replacing the SUSATs because radioactive part is almost dead, buying a real surplus SUSAT may turn out to be pretty pointless, as it could last a month, last 6 years, or be already 'dead'.

(Willing to be corrected on the above illumination bit, but I'm pretty sure it's only available on the real deal)


G&G SUSAT had pretty poor eye relief, either wear very low profile glasses, or don't bother buying one.

Never seen or used ARES/Star SUSAT - but - every time I've met someone with the L22 (which comes automatically with a SUSAT) - players tell me they instantly replace the A/S SUSAT with something else. Make of that what you will.

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Ok cheers, I'll have a look on RSOV.

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  The Leprechaun! said:
Sorry Hugh but the SUSAT only becomes illuminated at night, not during that day.


I'll be honest, I was lazy and I didn't feel like I actually had to say it was only visible in low-light conditions :lol: Kind of assumed people knew (since AFAIK, no-one makes an airsoft SUSAT which is battery powered).


It's basically a glow in the dark stick to look at, like how people used to make glow in the dark clock faces in the 1950s, by using a radioactive paint. I have no idea how useful the thing will actually be to look through in the dark (I'm guessing that you have Joe?)

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Haha i thought as much, just checking :P


And first years dont get issued them, have to deal with irons for now (yey) but from briefly looking at one or two they seem alright, infact better than an illuminated red dot (i find the dot just blinds you to everything else in low light conditions, even on its lowest setting), BUT then again ive only looked through one in an open field with no moon, i dont know what its like in either dense woodland or lighter conditions.

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