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.22 Rimfire shooting

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Just went down to a range next to Uni, second time I've been, groupings have definitely improved since last time, though I borrowed a different rifle this time... I really ought to have got the same one...


But yah...


Anyone else have any experience with small bore rifles? I'm thinking of joining the club next time I go, it's £20 cheaper because I'm a student =D haha.

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indeed, i have a firearms license and i go to bisley range at least once a month.

i have a HK MP5 (.22)

and a remmington speedmaster (.22) but dont use that all that often anymore.


want to get a HK m416 but uk law means i can only get it in .22, hard to find a 5.56 stright pull version not sure if they are even on the market so i doubt i will.


My next buy is going to be a AI L115, want the get the .338 purly for bisleys 1km range

or ill settle for either a bushmaster AR15 or a saiga AK-102


the AI im looking at about 2k for (second hand) and the AR15 and Ak i can get for about 500-700 Second hand, both 5.56/.223

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Wow, I am rather immeasurably jealous lol. I heard the AW.338 is £23,000 new? Or at least that's how much it cost the MoD per unit when they ordered the ones for the army.


How'd you get so much stuff added to your FAC? Do you have to be a member of a full bore club or something? I thought you were limited to one calibre...?


As you can probably tell, I'm lacking in experts to ask all these things lol.

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for firearms Cit, you need to show reason for ownership, for instance having a long range rifle that shoots targets at 1km, i couldnt own it and be a member of a local .22 club that only shoots on a 100m range, which means you need full membership to a club.


bisley is a good choice because they cater everything, its a bit of a travel, but it is a brilliant site.

if you get a Firearms cit or shotgun cit you need to have a bolted down safe, which they will try to rip of the wall to test its properly installed.


there is a bit of a grey area when it comes to shotguns though, as law states that to own a semi auto you need a firearms cit and not a shotgun, but shops wont sell to you with out the shotgun cit, so i got both at the same time, and in turn saved 20quid doing so. which is worth doing, my safe holds 5 guns, so i can only own five guns, and you have to contact who ever issues the cit's to inform them or every purchase you make.


i also have membership to a local gun range, but they are only .22 which is a bit anoying, but im not too fussed because my MP5 is fun to shoot.


and the AI .338 cost about 7-8k second hand, which is why i might instead get the ak and ar15 because its cheaper and more fun :D but i just want a big cal because ive had a go of the 1km range and its brilliant, i just want my own gun to play with on the 1km......although ammo is very expensive for the .338 :(

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Definitely very jealous haha, good useful info, thanks for the help.


After hearing about the wall safe thing, I think I'll have to have my own place before I get that far down the road, my mum would literally murder me if someone tried to tear something off the wall, especially if they succeeded haha.


I think I'll stick with the .22 club for now, I wish I had a driving license, the club I'm at now only has a 25 yard range and they only cater for very serious, prone target shooting with open sights. I'd rather shoot outdoors with some kind of zoom optic.


I've been invited to Sheffield's full bore club though, they use the range at Thorpe Cloud, no idea where that is as of yet, but I'm sure I'll find out, I'm determined to have a go with a full bore bolt action. =D

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yea first club i joined was a .22 target shooting club, which took the joy out of shooting as they kept pushing me to put on those silly jackets which "help" with your aim. yet i was shooting better with out them, and they didnt allow semi autos either only bolt action, unless it had a suppressor and no more then 10 in a mag, no idea why, but they just did. was a anoying.


i enjoy shooting outside with a score and having to adjust for windage, it just feels more legit. more of a challenge.


and i love doing speed shooting. i use my mp5 alot for it. 5 targets 5 bullets, at 25m. best time so far is 1.9seconds

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yea first club i joined was a .22 target shooting club, which took the joy out of shooting as they kept pushing me to put on those silly jackets which "help" with your aim. yet i was shooting better with out them, and they didnt allow semi autos either only bolt action, unless it had a suppressor and no more then 10 in a mag, no idea why, but they just did. was a anoying.


i enjoy shooting outside with a score and having to adjust for windage, it just feels more legit. more of a challenge.


and i love doing speed shooting. i use my mp5 alot for it. 5 targets 5 bullets, at 25m. best time so far is 1.9seconds


Yeah they're mad about those bloody jackets with the daft strap at the club I'm at, but they don't let you have magazine fed weapons loaded with more than 1 shot at a time, for some stupidly pointless reason. 10 shot mags sounds like a luxury. One shot bolt actions only for me =[


I'd love to be able to shoot outside and adjust for windage and everything, it's being able to teach yourself to adjust for it from experience that I find attractive about the whole sport. I'm not getting any of that indoors at a lousy 25 yards. I could hit something with a blowgun at that range.


Still, it's a step in the right direction. I'll just have to keep looking out for outdoor ranges that aren't miles away. The best thing about the club I'm at now is that they have shoots 3 times a week, every week. The full bore club I've been invited to only seems to have about 5 shoots over the entire year... Though they might move around, that might just be at the range that's near me.

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yeah when you get used to shooting full bore, you'll end up doing the same as me and say f*ck it, i want a toy to play with.

and seeing as .22 are the only guns you can get semi auto. get some you can love.


always a nice idea to buy second hand aswell from traders

A) its a damn site cheaper then to buy then gun new

B) there isnt a real differnce, only that the paint job may be worn a little, or there may be a few after market mods.


i mean the MP5 that i brought came with a RIS shroud put on it, aswell as having a forgrip 3 spare mags and a eotech 552 and in total i paid only 300 quid for it, when the gun it self is 500 new. so its a pretty good bargain.


if you look on the NRA website try and find a NRA range near you, and if you can sign up there, they normally have several clubs based out of one range.

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