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A not-so-gay-kay?

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WE's good if your new to Gbb's? My first was a TM P226 second hand with some upgrades, so i need to downgrade it to work in the winter :P (Stupid metal!)


i will buy WE's normal AKMS or something eventually


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theres more plastic on them than jordans... we all know where thats going.

Even if your on a budget getting a cheap or second hand tm is a way better option than WE. WE's aren't reliable, and theyre made of metal. Theyre not eve tm compatible.

Tm pistols are cheap enough anyway, have plastic (normally just the slide) but plastic is better by miles on gas guns anyway, and they will work completely in the cold.

We pistols are cheap for a reason. as a new player you want something reliable, as a regular player you will want something good- tm is the best for both

Socom gear on the other hand are very good too


Zak, 4 years is a long wait :P

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