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new game as an alternitive to airsoft

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hello im new here but i was thinking abought this for a while why not make a game simmular to airsoft but for younger children and people who cant handle pain.


Its army games with ipod touches with the many gun apps you can get on the appstore.

All you need to play it is an ipod touch a gun application and a set of on the go speakers that plug in.


So what do you guys think ideas will be greatley appreated and maybe an idea for the name.



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  • 3 weeks later...

How about just buy a water pistol, or use a stick and shout 'bang!' ? All you need to play it is either a water pistol (easy to check hits) or a stick. The problem with a stick and shouting bang is that it will lead to just as many arguments about who got who as the iphone one. I hate to sound demeaning, but surely airsoft without pain is either laser tag, costing a few hundred pounds for equipment, or a good old water fight and you have in fact found an extremely expensive method for solving a very simple problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol, i think water pistols do the trick. However iphone have a brilliant app called 'gunman' its free, basically u wear a t shirt of a certain colour, tell the iphone the colour of your enemy, and it uses the camera as a scope, it tells you of hits and misses.

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