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Real or fake Zenitco parts?


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Bought this ak105 a while back and the guy said that the zenitco parts on it were real, just wanted to check that as I’m looking at selling the stock and need to know how much to sell it for/ if it’s even real or not.

thanks for any help








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Sorry to say no, not real. Easy way to tell is the screws. They use flat heads since 2017 and even if this happened to be older they are still wrong for the Allen heads. Cyrillic is wonky. That's made from "monkey metal" as well by the looks of it. The rear butt pad section on the stock is wrong. 


Again sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 


Can compare directly https://en.zenitco.ru/catalog/weapon-upgrade/

Edited by Chev Chelios
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Sorry to tell you lad you got Zneitkd buttstock made by ZEnit. Pretty sure thats 5KU way of dodging copyright

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Okay thanks guys, I had a feeling as the deal looked too good to be true anyway. Do you know what brand repro the stock is so I know what to list when selling?

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Ah well, it still looks nice👍

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I'd guess it's a 5KU stock and they retail at £66 on sixmm




or £107 on DCA




or £100 on HPA UK




bit of variation but someone will only offer what they think it's worth. with sixmm you need to factor in postage aswell so that's not a fair estimate


based on the other 2 and the general idea of 70% of lowest retall you'd be looking at maybe £70ish depending if you want a quick sale or not

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Thanks guys, really appreciate the help 🙏 

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