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Ai500 Flambards


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Was watching and waiting to see the announcement, and whilst the 2 ran at the other theme park were amongst my favourites - I won't be able to play if i'm having to do near 18 hours of driving as well.

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It isn't a milsim and going into it expecting a milsim is just inviting disappointment. It's closer to a battlesim, with the uniform colours for team designation, (generous) ammo limits, long continuous game and loose plot, but it definitely does not have the structure or overly stringent command control of a milsim event, and it has a lot more trigger time (all the time!) than almost every milsim event. The main draw of the event is the social aspect and the site itself.


I'll be there myself on green team. Looking forward to it, as the last one at Anzio was really good (though needed more players), and this one is both basically sold out and also on a site that looks big enough to actually host everyone, so hopefully it'll be a good one!

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Tan team for me, I'm fortunate that's it's just a 40 minute drive for me


I've only played regular Airsoft, so totally new experience for me but I was told it's selling out pretty quickly 


Luckily there's a group I just bought my vorsk g18 from so I'll be in good hands

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So what are the rules regarding team colours, could I run multicam pants but have a tan top with mc arms or is it stricter


Just bought a baofeng radio as well, might not need it for this but may as well anyway

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14 minutes ago, Huxley said:

So what are the rules regarding team colours, could I run multicam pants but have a tan top with mc arms or is it stricter


Just bought a baofeng radio as well, might not need it for this but may as well anyway


It's really not that strict to the point where it was a problem last time. There was a guy on tan team in a *very* green ghillie top and ghillie trousers (the rules for ghillies are you're allowed a ghillie top, but must wear trousers in your team's colours), and there were multiple guys running around in black hoodies despite black being a green team camo, leading to them peeking around corners, us not shooting them because they're wearing black and all we can see is their upper body, and then them lighting us up. Bonus points for when they had their team behind them around the corner who also came out and lit us all up.


If your trousers and shirt are both tan-majority camos, then you're fine. Doesn't even have to match, as long as both are tan, so mc pants + tan top with mc arms is absolutely fine. Load bearing gear can be whatever colour you want, but if you're wearing a lot of green load bearing gear, you might get friendly fired because airsofters are already awful at target identification

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Thanks for this, I wasn't sure how strict they would be

I went and bought some idogear shirt which is mostly tan


Reckon I'll get away with mc pants?

Might order a pair, as my old pair are getting far too big 


Edit - I see you've already said I'll be fine, I do however have cadpat webbing so that'll be interesting 😁

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