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What Skeleton Stock Can I Attach To My Gun?


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Hi guys, I recently bought a specna arms SA-J07 and don't particularly like the M4 stock, so want to change it for a skeleton style stock, and ideally one that folds although that is not essential. 


The stock connector can be seen in the photo (not sure if it's a standard AK connector or one specific to this gun), as well as the M4 stock adapter it comes with. My question is what types of stock would fit on this connector, and are there adapters that would fit to this connector to give me more options for skeleton style stocks? (e.g. 20mm ris adapter). Any help is appreciated!



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Might be able to put a collapsible tanker ar stock on it but I think the receiver is probably too wide for the supports to collapse. Even then the side rail might be in the way. With out changing the receiver you are pretty limited. Even with a 3d print piece with a rail on to fit on the standard tangs you'd end up with quite a long pull with most commercial rail fitted folding stocks.

There looks to be a few actually. look up ak folding stock for fixed trunnion


ak folding stock for fixed trunnion


Edited by heroshark
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The normal AK side-folding stock locks into a latch on the receiver, which is an issue for any that weren't built with a folding stock. (Unless you want to cut the hole and rivet the latch in.)


You're probably better off seeing if a Galil folding stock will/can fit. It folds to the other side but i think the locking mechanism is part of the hinge.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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