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G&G MGCR a little too hot on .25g BBs


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New to GBBR's and have picked up a G&G MGCR.

Long story short, after chronoing today on .25g BBs, its a little too hot. It is also a little high for most fields on .2g BBs (but won't get me a court date).

Is anyone able to tell me what I can do to get the FPS and Joules down?


EDIT: Should also mention I was using the Ultrair Players' Choice gas - Which now in hindsight might be contributing to the issue somewhat. Still, any advice is always appreciated.

Edited by BruceOakman
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Just thought of providing that information.

Admittedly, it is using the Ultrair Players' Choice gas, which I thought to double check - and it would seem that it is a little on the punchier side of gases (live and learn).

As for how far over, in terms of results, on the .25g's Lowest/Highest recorded FPS is 340.9/366.6 and Lowest/Highest Joules is subsequently 1.35J/1.56J - which is obviously not where I'd like to be.

On .2g's things are a little better Low/High FPS of 363.6/376.2 and Low/High Joules 1.23J/1.32J - Which puts it a little high for most sites I have looked at heading to (and again, obviously flouts the legal requirement).

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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