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Solid first replica, good straight out of box or easily moddable within the price limit - MAX 500 GBP


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I'd like to mention that I am from Poland, but polish forums appear to be long dead. Also the law might be different. We can shoot full auto with no need for orange bits.

I'd like to start my adventure with airsoft and would like to ask for your help in choosing my first replica. My budget is flexible. If a replica meets all the requirements, it doesn’t have to be at the upper limit, it can be cheaper.

  1. I'm looking for a long-distance A4 or similar. Black or tan, or a mix of black/tan. Material should be metal or mostly metal. I want the replica to look really realistic, preferably with an adjustable stock. It should also be possible to buy affordable, decent magazines that hold around 150 BBs and don't rattle.

  2. I’d like the replica to be one that can be easily modded, with parts that are readily available. Ideally, it should work well straight out of the box or after minor or major modifications but still within the budget. Also, the modifications shouldn’t be too complicated, or if the seller offers an installation service, like with Taiwangun, that’s an option.

  3. I’d like it to be possible to quickly change the spring for close distance use, and for the replica to have a stock that can accommodate a decent battery. I've heard that some have limited space for this.

Here's an example of a replica that I like visually, though I'd prefer a longer barrel. (I haven’t even looked at the specifications): https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-green-gas/daniel-defense-ddpm4pdw-gbbr-replica-tan-emg

Here's an example of a deviation from the norm, an AK that I also like visually and apparently has good reviews as well: https://gunfire.com/pl/products/replika-karabinka-rk74-t-1152213401.html

In summary, ideally, I’d like to stay within 400-500 GBP, including 4 magazines, a BB loader, a spare battery, and a battery charger. I'm not sure if it’s better to buy something for more expensive and leave it as is, or buy something cheaper and spend the extra on upgrading parts.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Welcome Fafor,

To be honest, your probably better off buying in the cheaper ranges, but that  doesn't mean it'll be rubbish, far from it in fact, brands like cyma & JG have great reputations, big ranges to choose from, & luckily for you some excellent retailers virtually on your doorstep.

With your budget why not buy 2, everyone needs a back up, & don't be thinking about upgrades yet, most brands are more than adequate straight out of the box, if fps/range/accuracy is fair to good, then what more do you need, maybe then only think about upgrades if something breaks.

Next choice is what models to choose, I always that think 2 with magazine compatibility should be considered, makes life much easier if you find yourself dashing back to the safezone mid game to swap guns, but if AK's are your thing you might feel a little bit limited, to me they all look alike lol, so maybe consider a long model & a short model, gives better options for cqb sites etc.

Alternatively consider an armalite model, m4 derivative of which there are hundreds (or so it would seem), but being stanag mags you could get another m4 model, or maybe consider a bullpup such as an L85, a tavor, an fn2000/fn2010, an fnc, a G36 with a maxwell conversion,  probably even more that I've forgotten about, the choices are endless.

Good luck with what you choose.

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Hey Tackle,
Thanks for the quick answer. I would like to go for one of the A1. And one I guess would be enough for now. The issue is that there are so many models of one rifle, even of the same brand where price can range from 100 to 500 GBP. Is not there a ranking of most recommended replicas in a given price range?

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3 hours ago, Fafor said:

The issue is that there are so many models of one rifle, even of the same brand where price can range from 100 to 500 GBP. Is not there a ranking of most recommended replicas in a given price range?


Your first sentence is pretty much why putting a list together as the second sentence is impracticable.


A ranking system can age like milk as new models at a given price range enter the market. Especially today when what were considered premium feature sets such as programmable MOSFETs/ETUs, 6.02mm (for argument's sake) inner barrels etc, can be seen in the sub-200 GBP price range now, rankings can quickly become skewed or outdated.

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Alright, it does make sense.


I did some of my own research and in the end decided to go with SA-H23 EDGE, 2.0 but it was out of stock. I found its younger brother SA-H20 EDGE 2.0 and a competitor SA-H12 ONE, both looked cool and were equipped with some nice features such as Orion gearbox and aster or etu. I called the shop for advice which one is a better choice and was offered a complete alternative which I ended up buying.

Discounted SA-H11 ONE - with stock 410 fps, gearbox v2 and an option to install the TITAN™ V2 Expert Edition which, altogether ended up costing less than the previously mentioned H20 E2.0 or H12 ONE. 410 fps already is high enough for most of the games so apparently there is no need for a better gearbox. I was also told that SPECNA ONE is a good body in general for modifications. What do you think? Was it a good decision?

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I'm new to the sport, and went with a Specna SA-E01 (which is an Edge, and not an "Edge 2.0").


Mine has basically the same guts as your new purchase with the Orion gearbox and 6.03mm barrel. Assuming the hop is the same in the 416 body as it is for the M4 (which i guess it must be as they are 99% the same), then based on how mine has been I reckon you'll be happy with it.


I've been using Geoff's 0.25's and 0.28's and on its first two outings it's been easy to dial in the hop for different weights, has shot consistently and with decent range.


I did change the spring to an XT M110, which due to a lack of time I chucked in and chronoed the night before the last game only to find it was a bit high. I ended up shortening it a smidge to get me within the 1.13J limit at my local site. I will try an M105 next time.


I've stuck with the iron sights and zeroed them at about 20m using an M4 calibration target. Seems to have worked pretty well!


People will tell you to forget FPS and speak in Joules, it's probably a good habit to get into.


Good luck!

Edited by Quagmire
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