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Air nozzle issues


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Ok so there's definitely a big difference between the two then!


Have you managed to try the TM hop unit with a new barrel yet?

It seems like that might be usable, although it may require a different length air nozzle.


I shall definitely have to source one myself to test out!


Thank you

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2 minutes ago, Hudson said:

Ok so there's definitely a big difference between the two then!


Have you managed to try the TM hop unit with a new barrel yet?

It seems like that might be usable, although it may require a different length air nozzle.


I shall definitely have to source one myself to test out!


Thank you



No problem, not had a chance I was just bored with work so I decided to take a gun apart!


The difference may explain why some people swear blind the nozzle for a G3 is 20mm and others say 21.4mm!

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15 hours ago, Hudson said:

I keep the old post on my phone as a handy guide, although it's definitely outdated nowadays!



I can measure mine at the weekend when I get it apart, but I know the JG gearbox uses a tappet plated marked "MP5" so it's entirely possible they use an MP5 length nozzle which would account for the difference in hop size.

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21 hours ago, Hudson said:

Ok well I got around to trying out the Marui hop unit, along with an XT barrel and everything seems to be running very well.


No misfeeds, drops in power or anything so far so fingers crossed, it all seems to be solved! 😃


What size was your nozzle in the end?

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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