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Novritch sse18 or cyma 125s mosfet


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I'm looking at an aep for my sniper load out as sick of inconsistent mags with gas so just narrowed it down to novritch sse18 and cyma 125s mosfet and I know I won't get good range but is just for within my engagement distance of 25 metres 

Any info on which to choose would be good. Cheers.

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I wanted to know the answer to this as well. Gas guns can be a pain! This thread has some opinions on it but when all is said and done you're probably best off buying whichever one you think looks cooler 😁



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They're both going to perform much the same, neither comes with a battery (*angry muttering about when these were <£60 with a battery*), and both will have that chonky-boi AEP grip.


So, I'd agree on following the heart rather than the head on this one.  If you do want to crunch numbers, then magazine price and availability can be a factor, and space for a larger battery is always welcome.  Barrel length isn't an issue, as you're working with such a tiny cylinder volume - the CM.121 Deagle actually claims lower power than most other Cyma AEPs.


The mosfet is... well, better than not having one, but my CM.123 runs fine without one on a 7.4V , and with the stock wiring replaced with thicker stuff.  What made the big difference was running a high amperage lipo (remembering that amperage is capacity x C factor, so biggerer is generally betterer).



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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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