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Quake 8 vs Oshiboom OMFG


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Had a look around but can’t see many reviews on the Oshiboom OMFG so thought I’d check here! Ive read it’s just a rip of the TI Quake 8, but anyone have any experience with the two?

Is one better/more reliable than the other? Heard loads of people have problems with the Quake 8 not firing.

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I won an Oshiboom off of the Airsoft Competitions site.


I've used it in the hard floor environment of Spec Ops "The Fireplace".   


I've not used it very often yet, but I've had relativity few failures so far, a couple of light strikes on the soft primers I'm using.  Mostly from shallow throws that were more like bowling it across the floor..  going to retrieve a failed throw is a bit of a walk of shame 😂


I've also had a really memorable kill in the helicopter which was great, and winkled out a well ensconced enemy


All in all, it's a worthwhile thing to have in my armoury.

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I use oshiboom and I never had other bfg's so I can't form an opinion on it but I see that many people struggle to kill others regardless of brand simply because all of these impact grenades have the same issues. Lot of times they don't go off and it doesn't matter if you use the softest primer or the hardest surface. Because you're so limited how to post it you can't do too much about it.

Edited by Krisz
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5 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

I won an Oshiboom off of the Airsoft Competitions site.


I've used it in the hard floor environment of Spec Ops "The Fireplace".   


I've not used it very often yet, but I've had relativity few failures so far, a couple of light strikes on the soft primers I'm using.  Mostly from shallow throws that were more like bowling it across the floor..  going to retrieve a failed throw is a bit of a walk of shame 😂


I've also had a really memorable kill in the helicopter which was great, and winkled out a well ensconced enemy


All in all, it's a worthwhile thing to have in my armoury.

Appreciate it thanks for replying! Seems like the Oshiboom one is a bit more consistent, good to hear not many failures.

Definitely keen to get a multi-shot BFG, I have a single use Dynatex timed nade but reloading that thing is a pain in the butt. 

3 hours ago, Krisz said:

I use oshiboom and I never had other bfg's so I can't form an opinion on it but I see many people struggle to kill others regardless of brand simply because all of these impact grenades have the same issues. Lot of times they don't go off and it doesn't matter if you use the softest primer or the hardest surface. Because you're so limited how to post it you can't do too much about it.

Yeah seems to be a very common thing, especially playing outdoors and considering the rules for throwing them like you mention. I mostly play CQB and feel I have to give it a try though, reloading a single shot BFG isn’t really viable for shorter games.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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