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WE EBR mod 1

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Good news, WE tech are soon releasing the mod 1 version f their mk14 (the armalite stock version for those not in the know :P )


Also pictures of the co2 mags :)





WE Airsoft has unveiled on its website the pictures of pre-production of MK14 MOD1 GBBR , based of course on the M14 Gas Blowback brand. No details for now, except that this version should be available in whole or in replica kit for M14.
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look at the price on it £700+... f*ck me :o


As one of my friends who i was just showing the the pictures to just said in reply to your comment only if i get one afterwards lol

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I would probably get one of the stocks you can hide extra batteries in before thinking about if i like the stock design (im one of those Bail Out Bag people and so everything must serve a dual purpose

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The only rule I'd have is no magpul :P


It has its uses for instance the only ones i like are the pmags because of the built in magpuls when you buy them and the handgaurd because of the ability to have a battery in their but tons of friggin rail space makea it better but also at an extra price and i have to mention their AFG dont like it that much but meh i wonder if an M16 stock would fit besides i think other companies do stock that hold extras.

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Lol as i read that my ipod started playing i need a doctor and an ace stock looks alright im just one of those who loves fixed stocks

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