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Brushless upgrades


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Hi folks, I mainly play with GBBR but over this year I want to build a OP aeg for those winter months. I’m thinking of buying a Specna Arms A07 that’s going cheap near me to do a brushless upgrade, but as this will be the first time I fit a brushless motor, what other upgrades do you recommend? I’m planning on fitting ZCI 16:1 gears

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If it is SSG trigger response built, maybe you can try put in a mosfet with precocking, which makes it really snappy


And then if you upgrade the hop rubber and do barrel shimming etc it will shoot very straight and accurate


You might not need to upgrade FPS because you might be at the FPS limit already

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Appreciate the advice :) but I’ve done all those kinds of upgrades before, that’s why I’m specifically now wanting to go down the brushless path, I’ve read into some brushless builds with “recommended” upgrades to use with a brushless motor, but some of them seem excessive. Nearing £4/500 in upgrades EXCLUDING the motor, so really, I’m just looking to gauge what is the absolute necessity upgrades required to run a brushless motor with 16:1 ratio

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It literally just acts like an ordinary motor except for in conjunction with ETUs and other units that use AB or reverse the polarity for other reasons.


For example, my primary uses a T238 33K brushless with the stock 18:1 gearset. I get 29 RPS on 11.1v with extremely snappy trigger response. No ETU, just the stock inline MOSFET and microswitch.


But if you want OP trigger response… I used another T238 33K paired with a 16:1 spur, a standard 10T bevel, and an SHS DSG gear. Boom: 60 RPS. (Disclaimer: never used on auto in a game)


But if you really want ultimate trigger response, you don’t need to go brushless: either build a simple 18:1 28TPA DSG on 11.1v, or a 12:1 28TPA SSG using 14.8v. Use a Perun or Gate and set precocking if you like.



in general, you don’t need to go crazy expensive at all. My primary cost, in total, $350 USD or £270ish. Most of the time when people are recommending mad expensive upgrade sets it means they don’t really understand how to tech correctly: most stock parts can be adjusted, modified, and work just fine or better than “upgrades”, since they’re actually designed to fit the specific RIF you’re working on.

Edited by Leo Greer
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Not massively experienced in this but I've recently built up a TM aug with a Warhead 27k on board. Its got a cheapy mosfet on board, 11.1v, tight bore (like silly tight!), 18:1 (ss by 2 teeth) and the usual hop stuff. I got about 5 or 6 compliments on how quiet it was, how snappy it was and how much it surprised people when it lobbed a bb at them. In hindsight, maybe i should have gone faster with the motor, but i was a bit "on the fence" as to how much effect it would have.




Edited by Egon_247
cant type....
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Brushless, 16:1 gears, 11.1 you might hit PME.  Before doing anything open the gearbox, test the compression, examine any wear, give it all a good clean, lube and shim.  Chrono and check BB flight.  If no good think about a new hop rubber, clean inner barrel, if that's no good maybe try another inner barrel.  

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As Leo says a brushless motor is like any other, but it will run cooler, spin up faster, can have more torque and because it has 4 magnets and 3 poles(6 effectively because they operate in pairs) runs smoother.

You don't need one but it's just a better way of getting the amps to spin a motor.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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