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Best "Dry" Gas for the UK?


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Yup, everyone develops their own ideas and practices

I only recently “discovered” gbbr’s 3 yrs ago, and have evolved my own practices for running them,

I don’t mind a bit of maintenance on my gbbr RIF’s, they aren’t as demanding as some YT videos or websites make them out to be, but sure, they do take a little bit more thought than cleaning an aeg barrel and charging a battery.


Roughly once a year I will drop a tiny bit of lube into my valves before gassing them up, it may be a placebo, but I feel it helps keep the seals alive, also a little check to ensure the valves are tight works wonders


I’ll maybe give the RIF’s a quick strip, clean then re grease the bcg and nozzle seals, again, moving parts need lubed for a friction free life.

A drop of oil on the hammer and sears etc or grease, depending on what model I’m maintaining. 

I’ll remove the inner barrel and clean the hop unit & rubber maybe every second use.

But I won’t use a gas with silicon in it.

I once experienced terrible accuracy and consistency when using Nuprol gas and stripped my replica down to check the hop to see what the issue was, not surprisingly it was soaking wet with silicon oil (or whatever was in the green gas mixture)

I’m of the opinion that a happy hop rubber is a bone dry one.

Ultrair is now my gas of choice as they supply silicon free propellants, I’ve never had an issue whilst running it.


Lots of different opinions in here which is good to see

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Propane user here , add my own lube where I want it , not where there gas router wants to spray it . I favour greases over oils as they hold their place for much longer , nothing silicone based for metal on metal .


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2 hours ago, DanBow said:


Or . . . .  . if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Carry on doing what you've been doing.

Yeah true, but now that I know, I’d rather do the maintenance myself tbh. 

1 hour ago, JimFromHorsham said:

Propane user here , add my own lube where I want it , not where there gas router wants to spray it . I favour greases over oils as they hold their place for much longer , nothing silicone based for metal on metal .


Exactly my thoughts. What propane and adaptor do you use for this? Want to make sure I’m doing the right thing. 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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